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Switch repairs

Welcome to our Console Repair Services. We specialize in providing expert and affordable repair solutions for popular gaming consoles. Our experienced technicians excel in addressing hardware malfunctions, software errors, and screen repairs. With our commitment to quality, fast turnaround times, and competitive pricing, we aim to restore your console to its optimal performance. Explore our comprehensive range of console repair services and entrust us with the care of your gaming device.

switch First gen
(Model HAC 001-01)

Screen replacement on a Nintendo Switch involves replacing a damaged or malfunctioning screen on the console. If you're experiencing issues with your Switch's screen, such as cracks, dead pixels, or unresponsive touch functionality, a screen replacement may be necessary.

Touch screen $175

LCD $165

LCD + Touch screen $245


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switch First gen
(Model HAC 001-01)

There are various reasons why you might consider replacing the battery of a Nintendo Switch. Over time, the battery's capacity can degrade, resulting in shorter playtime. A battery that doesn't hold a charge or quickly loses power may indicate a faulty battery that needs replacement. Swollen or damaged batteries should be replaced promptly due to safety concerns. Upgrading to a higher-capacity battery can provide longer playtime. If you're experiencing power-related issues like difficulty powering on or charging the Switch, a faulty battery could be the cause.

Battery $135

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